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Ken & Sherry Ford

Field Staff

Matlock, WA
United States

Children/Youth Pastorate Rural Ministry Give

Ken and Sherry Ford serve in a small, rural community in northwest Washington. The Fords minister through Matlock Community Church, where Ken is pastor. Together...


Larry & Vonnie Pratt

Field Staff

Port Orchard, WA
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Creative Discipleship Rural Ministry Seniors Give

Larry and Vonnie Pratt minister in the rural areas of the Pacific NW, as well as around the country at camps, churches, Vacation Bible Schools...


Robert & Cindy McDowall

Field Staff

Eastern, WA
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Discipleship Rural Ministry Young Adult Give

Robert and Cindy McDowall reach out to the community through a number of different ministries. From church planting and pastoral placement, to discipleship and counseling...


Ken Alford

Field Staff

Easton, WA
United States

Area Ministry Chaplaincy Children/Youth Cross-Cultural Pastorate Prison Rural Ministry Seniors Give

Dr. Ken Alford serves in Easton, WA where he strives to bring God into the lives of people who are hurting and dealing with uncertain...

Dennis & Bethany Tilzey

Dennis & Bethany Tilzey


Port Orchard, WA
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Cross-Cultural Discipleship Seniors Urban Ministry Young Adult Give

Dennis and Bethany Tilzey serve in Port Orchard, Washington, where they run a ministry called One Less Orphan which uses a retail store model to...

Easton, WA
United States

Port Orchard, WA
United States

Matlock, WA
United States

Port Orchard, WA
United States

Eastern, WA
United States