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1 - 32 of 32 results

Anthony & Jenny Volkert

Field Staff

Southern, IL
United States

Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Pastorate Give

Anthony and Jenny Volkert serve in the rural area of southern Illinois. Anthony pastors Olive General Baptist Church. Anthony and Jenny started a children’s ministry...


John C. & Carol Lewis

Field Staff

Wellfleet, NE
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry Seniors Give

John and Carol Lewis serve at Bethel Bible Camp during the summer. John is also pastor of Brownlee Community Church, and serves another church every...


Bud Lamb

Field Staff

Santa Cruz County, CA
United States

Camping Church Planting Creative Discipleship Pastorate Urban Ministry Give

Bud Lamb has been an ordained pastor for almost 20 years. He mentors men and encourages younger pastors. He works one-on-one, writes, and leads high...


Melvin Sensenig

Field Staff

Reading, PA
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Pastorate Urban Ministry Give

Melvin Sensenig uses his urban church planting and academic experience to train urban pastors and leaders in Reading. Through Theologian-in-Residence for Urban Ministry (TIR), Melvin...

Nathan Cotton

Nathan Cotton

Field Staff

Simsbury, CT
United States

Church Planting Pastorate Give

Nathan is a church planter striving to plant healthy, sustainable, gospel-centered faith communities. His church's desire is to see the kingdom of God more visible...

Ian & McKayla Johnston

Ian & McKayla Johnston

Field Staff

Overland Park, KS
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Young Adult Give

Ian & McKayla are driven by a shared calling to reach out to younger generations who are searching, wandering, and feeling isolated. They established Harbor...


Bruce & Alba Sewell

Field Staff

Tampa, FL
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Seniors Give

Bruce and Alba Sewell serve Hispanic families on their field in Florida. Through Iglesia Biblica de la Comunidad (“Community Bible Church”), they are able to...


Dennis Sutherby

Field Staff

Shiawassee County, MI
United States

Church Planting Creative Discipleship Pastorate Young Adult Give

Dennis Sutherby saw the need in his rural area of Michigan to build up true, intimate community, where people love and invest in each other...


Jerry & Patty Boyle

Field Staff

Redding, CA
United States

Area Ministry Church Planting Discipleship Pastorate Give

Jerry and Patty Boyle serve in northern California. Jerry preaches in two local churches in the Redding area. He preaches on a rotating basis, and...


Carl & Jan VanVoorst

Field Staff

Watertown, SD
United States

Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Prison Seniors Young Adult Give

Carl and Jan VanVoorst helped establish Hope for Life Community Church. The church brings the gospel of hope into the community by hosting home group...


Bobby & Lois Jones

Field Staff

Central, AZ
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Discipleship Rural Ministry Young Adult Give

Bobby and Lois Jones come alongside pastors of rural churches, to mentor them, pray for and with them, listen to their heart and vision, offer...


Scott & Chris Lynum

Field Staff

Upper Peninsula, MI
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry Seniors Give

Scott and Chris Lynum serve in Michigan’s rural Upper Peninsula, where the drug and alcohol addiction rate is among the highest in the nation per...


David & Lisa Grainge

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Urban Ministry Give

David and Lisa Grainge are revitalizing a 125-year-old church that serves six ethnic congregations in south Philadelphia. They minister the gospel to refugees in their...


Brett & Cindy Belleque

Field Staff

Toledo, OR
United States

Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Creative Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Young Adult Give

Brett and Cindy Belleque serve throughout the US with InFaith's field staff. They live in Toledo, Oregon. Cindy works in the Newport, Oregon School system...

David Dick

David & Pam Dick

Field Staff

Eastern, WY
United States

Area Ministry Camping Church Planting Discipleship Rural Ministry Give

David and Pam Dick’s main goal is to evangelize and disciple those in their rural community to live out their faith on a daily basis...

Joe Kim

Joe Kim

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Urban Ministry Young Adult Give

Joe Felix Kim is a church planter of Hope Philly, which as of now consists of 2 micro-churches in the Philadelphia area with a 3rd...


Robert & Cindy McDowall

Field Staff

Eastern, WA
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Discipleship Rural Ministry Young Adult Give

Robert and Cindy McDowall reach out to the community through a number of different ministries. From church planting and pastoral placement, to discipleship and counseling...


Bob & Dona Pedigo

Field Staff

Coos Bay, OR
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Discipleship Pastorate Prison Seniors Give

Bob and Dona Pedigo have seen the need for ministry to seniors, prisoners, and the “unchurched” in the small city and rural areas they serve...


Keith & Linda Stringfellow

Field Staff

Julian, CA
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Pastorate Give

Keith and Linda Stringfellow serve in southern California. As a Field Director, Keith provides pastoral care, ministry help, and administrative support to the InFaith missionaries...


Yenner & Alice Wuanti

Field Staff

United States

Church Planting Give

Yenner and Alice Wuanti minister in Illinois and Iowa to immigrants from Liberia, West Africa who were forced to flee their war-ravished homeland. The Wuantis...

Josiah Centerno profile pic 2023

Josiah Centeno

Field Staff

Camden, NJ
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Give

Josiah Centeno is passionately dedicated to evangelizing the lost and equipping the saints in Camden and Philadelphia. These cities, known for poverty and crime, are...

Chris Manley

Chris Manley

Field Staff

Chattanooga, TN
United States

Church Planting Creative Cross-Cultural Discipleship Give

Chris Manley is a Church planter in Chattanooga, Tennessee where he serves as an evangelist with the Presbytery of the Southeast, a collection of churches...


Steven & Sofi Boyle

Field Staff

Portland, OR
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Seniors Young Adult Give

Steven and Sofi Boyle lead seven different worship and discipleship ministries in Columbia Community Bible Church, and also participate in three community groups outside the...


Ed & Fran Renk

Field Staff

Eastern, OR
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Discipleship Rural Ministry Young Adult Give

Ed and Fran Renk serve in rural areas of eastern Oregon. Ed is involved in release-time Bible classes in six county schools, where he teaches...

Colin Deay

Colin Deay

Field Staff

Richardson, TX
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Give

Colin Deay is pastor of Open Door Presbyterian Church, a church plant of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. They strive to be gospel-centered, value diversity, foster...


Dave & Lisa Carroll

Field Staff

Elliston, MT
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry Young Adult Give

Dave and Lisa Carroll serve through a number of ministries in rural Montana including Bible clubs for kids, adult Bible studies, Vacation Bible School, prison...


Dan & Star Robinson

Field Staff

Cave Junction, OR
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Give

Dan and Star Robinson minister to their neighbors in this counter-cultural (hippie) area through a church that has been in place since the late sixties...


Andrew & Shannon Schultz

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Give

Andrew and Shannon Schultz serve in Kensington, an inner-city neighborhood in Philadelphia. Their primary ministry responsibilities center around children and youth, though the goal is...

Joe anderson 2023

Joe & Lindsey Anderson

Field Staff

Dallas, TX
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Creative Cross-Cultural Discipleship Seniors Urban Ministry Young Adult Give

Joe and Lindsey Anderson lead Kids for Christ, Teens for Christ, and Homemakers for Christ ministries in under-resourced urban communities in Dallas. Their strategy involves...

Tom Hiscox profile pic 2023

Tom Hiscox

Field Staff

Portland, OR
United States

Area Ministry Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry Seniors Urban Ministry Give

Tom Hiscox is serving as an area missionary in Northwest Oregon, encouraging, equipping, advising, and assisting the leaders of the 20+ small churches and mission...


Sharon Mathieu

Field Staff

Washington, DC
United States

Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Creative Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Seniors Urban Ministry Young Adult Give

Sharon Mathieu has served for the past 50 years in inner city Washington D.C. through camps, Bible studies, prayer meetings, church services, community outreach, and...


Jon & Jerilyn Sousa

Field Staff

Willamette Valley, OR
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry Give

Jon and Jerilyn Sousa serve Spanish-speaking immigrants in the Willamette Valley. Since their start in 1986, they have planted two Spanish-speaking churches, and are still...

Portland, OR
United States

Wellfleet, NE
United States

Southern, IL
United States

Cave Junction, OR
United States

Coos Bay, OR
United States

Tampa, FL
United States

United States

Washington, DC
United States

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Richardson, TX
United States

Willamette Valley, OR
United States

Watertown, SD
United States

Elliston, MT
United States

Eastern, WY
United States

Santa Cruz County, CA
United States

Shiawassee County, MI
United States

Dallas, TX
United States

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Eastern, OR
United States

Central, AZ
United States

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Simsbury, CT
United States

Portland, OR
United States

Julian, CA
United States

Redding, CA
United States

Upper Peninsula, MI
United States

Chattanooga, TN
United States

Camden, NJ
United States

Toledo, OR
United States

Overland Park, KS
United States

Eastern, WA
United States

Reading, PA
United States