CCDA National Conference 2017


We know that CCDA-types come from many backgrounds and contexts. But one of the things that marks CCD practitioners is being moved to respond to brokenness in local communities. We call this reaching local and changing lives and it's been part of InFaith's DNA for the past 200 years. As a U.S. focused mission organization, we exist to enable our field staff to respond to God's call on their life to bring healing and restoration to individuals and communities in the United States.

We seek to release resilient ministers of the gospel of Christ into their local neighborhoods so that when new needs arise and contexts change, ministry can shift to be relevant, gospel centered, and transformative. So whether God is calling you to relocate into an underserved neighborhood, focus on economic development in your hometown, develop a holistic community development ministry, or work for social justice in the name of Jesus, InFaith could be just what you are looking for.

As you consider ways that you can reach out into your local community, you may have considered starting a nonprofit in order to formalize your ministry and make it possible to mobilize finances to support it. For some people and their vision for ministry, this is a great idea. But for others it's not.


Here are five reasons why you should NOT start your own nonprofit:

  1. Because aren't you only thinking of starting your own nonprofit as a way to earn an income and pay for ministry expenses?
  2. Because you'll have to add fundraiser and administrator to your already full plate of ministry.
  3. Because you will need, by law, a board and by-laws.
  4. Because a Form 990 is never EZ.
  5. Because InFaith might be just what you are looking for.


You are a great candidate for InFaith if you can answer yes to these questions:

  1. Are you passionate about Jesus and making a difference in the name of Christ in your local area?
  2. Do you want to step out and apply Christian Community Development principles in your local community?
  3. Are you realizing that your idea for ministry is deeply rooted within the mission of the church, but doesn't quite fit within the organization and structure of your church?
  4. Are you looking for a way to expand your volunteer ministry into a full or part-time position?
  5. Would you benefit from the accountability and support of a covering organization?


If this sounds like you, share your vision for ministry with us and begin the preliminary application process here.

Check out more info about serving with InFaith as a member of our field staff. Learn more about what we value as followers of Jesus in our Ministry Essentials.

Questions? Contact us at