Why It's Important

Jerry smiling while interviewing

Light in the Darkness

Our goal is to reach the least, the last, and the lost. We want anyone who has the heart for ministry to know they are not in it alone. That’s why our mission exists. Our hope and vision is to support our missionaries so they can fully dedicate their time to the ministry they feel called to. 

We see a nation that is in desperate need of hope and in our over 200 years, we have continued sharing that hope, the unchanging truth of Christ. 

Missionaries from across the nation are collectively working together in unique and practical ways to better reach the community God has called them to. From creative arts programs and disability ministries that help kids understand they are valued and created for a purpose, to discipling prison and gang members to show them there is hope and guiding them onto the right path toward Christ; we, at InFaith—The American Missionary Fellowship are committed to sharing the gospel throughout the United States.  

look at the amazing views!

Help spread the gospel in America

With the support of donors throughout the world, we empower missionaries to help transform lives.


The future of the mission

Thanks to generous support from individuals, churches and foundations, InFaith—The American Missionary Fellowship is in the unique position to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in the most remote and overlooked communities in the United States. Our mission is clear. We will continue to expand throughout the country to ensure that every American can know that—in Jesus Christ—they are loved, forgiven and need not be afraid. This mission extends throughout rural and agricultural communities, inner city communities and the United States Military.

InFaith is experiencing healthy growth in our young adult candidates and endorsed, active-duty U.S. Military Chaplains. We are expanding our outreach to the next generation of American missionaries and to chaplains serving our armed forces in some of the most difficult deployments in the world. InFaith provides essential support and encouragement to believers who are called to proclaim the good news of the gospel to the least, the last, and the lost, of all ages and in the most challenging circumstances.