Dennis & Pam Sutherby

Field Staff

Shiawassee County, MI
United States

Children/Youth Creative Discipleship Young Adult

Dennis and Pam Sutherby saw the need in their rural area of Michigan to build up true, intimate community, where people love and invest in each other. To this end, Dennis and Pam have started a ministry where Biblical teaching and intentional discipleship are central. This ministry occured through a men's ministry house which provided a place where men can live in community, share life together, and see discipleship happen organically. It also occurs through teaching at their local church that Dennis grew up in, leading a weekly Bible study in his home, helping to lead a house church, as well as offering biblical counseling to struggling believers. Dennis also hosts a podcast called "Faith in Focus" where he teaches on topics related to the Church, theology, God, and the Bible.

Local Reach

Dennis and Pam serve in Shiawassee county, a rural area of Michigan. The heart of the county is the Owosso area with a population of 20,000 people, while the rest of the county is comprised of smaller cities and villages. Most residents hold blue-collar jobs, and many are shop workers from the surrounding factories. While the area is very “churched”, it has seen a period of spiritual lethargy for several years.

One of the greatest needs in the area is building up a true, intimate community where people live and invest in each other. The methods of evangelism and discipleship used by the local church need to be reevaluated, along with retraining and refocusing on reaching the unreached in the community. Much of the need in the area can be met through deeply Christ-centered counseling and discipleship as well as competent Biblical literacy training.

After seeing the need in his community for re-evaluation of discipleship methods, Dennis began a ministry geared toward equipping the local church and developing communities centered around God's Word. “The New Testament believers were on to something as they lived life together, fellowshipped together, worshipped together, and deeply studied the Word together,” Dennis explains.

This vision of equipping the Church happens in many ways, one way was local Ministry House. These “ministry houses” provided a place where single men can live in community, share life together, and see discipleship happen organically. The goal of this ministry is to see young men become discipled in their walk with God and their knowledge of God and His Word.

There is an increasing vision for unity among local churches to come together and work with each other, rather than competing, to fulfill the Great Commission. This includes discipleship happening across church denominations. Dennis’ teaching ministry also extends online as he writes over at his Substack/blog on issues related to God, the Church, and the Bible as well as hosting a podcast, "Faith in Focus," on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, and other podcasting sites. Dennis has also begun his Biblical, donation-based counseling ministry which is open to believers and church leaders who are struggling but may not be able to afford high-cost counseling. 

Pam has run her own counseling service in the past, as well as a single parent's ministry and hopes to incorporate this into their ministry efforts.

Dennis and Pam have served as InFaith field staff since May 2017.

After graduating from New Tribes Bible Institute in 2007 with an AA in Biblical Studies, Dennis went on to finish his BA in Religion and Ministry from Luther Rice Seminary in 2014. Most recently Dennis has received his MA in Biblical Counseling from Luther Rice as well. He has been teaching the Bible at his local church for over a decade and leading a home church at his Ministry House since 2014.

Since 2010, God has allowed Dennis to disciple and invest in over a dozen different young men’s lives, several of whom are now leading ministries of their own. Dennis has incorporated his counseling training into his ministry and has been offering low-cost, donation-based biblical counseling for his clients since the fall of 2019.

Shiawassee County, MI
United States

42.949754, -84.1857115