Ed is an Army Chaplain Candidate. He came to faith at age 18 at Cornerstone Community Church in Philadelphia, Bill Curry, senior pastor. While at Cornerstone, he served in youth ministry as a leader in the Teen Club, administered bible studies to youth and adults, participated in outreach in the community through events, VBS, and After-School Clubs. Ed graduated from Lancaster Bible College with a BS in Biblical Studies. Currently, he is pursuing an M.Div. at Columbia International University. Recently, Ed was a Staff Sergeant in the Missouri National Guard as a Religious Affairs Specialist (RAS), under the leadership of Chaplain David Spears. He has served as an Infantryman for 13 years total, both in the Pennsylvania (PA) and Missouri (MO) National Guard (ARNG) and was deployed to Iraq in June 2004 to November 2005 with the PAARNG. Ed writes, “While deployed, God revealed that the Chaplaincy is the profession He wants me to serve to reach soldiers with the gospel. Having seen how soldiers respond to trials while in a war zone has allowed me to encourage soldiers to press onward no matter the circumstance.” Ed is married and has 2 children.