John & Miriam Lewis

Field Staff

Mason City, NE
United States

Camping Children/Youth Discipleship Rural Ministry

John serves as an InFaith field director. In that role, he and Miriam provide understanding ears, strong shoulders, and wise counsel to InFaith missionaries and candidates in Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and parts of Idaho and Minnesota. The Lewises love InFaith and accept many opportunities to serve and teach throughout the Midwest. John takes many opportunities to teach the Bible with individuals, small groups, or from the pulpit and Miriam helps in every part of the ministry.

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Local Reach

John and Miriam Lewis live in Mason City, Nebraska. John serves in the Midwestern United States as an InFaith Field Director for missionaries and candidates serving in Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and parts of Idaho and Minnesota.

Many of the missionaries under John’s care live in small towns and minister in rural areas. They are conservative doctrinally, socially, and economically, living faithfully in obedience to God’s Word. Their calling to evangelize, congregate, and disciple their local communities lead to attacks by the enemy against their families and themselves. They especially need an understanding ear to listen and strong shoulders willing to help bear the burden.

John and Miriam also speak at summer Bible Camps and Bible Clubs in the Midwest, and at other special occasions related to children and youth ministry. They creatively deploy puppetry, illusionist tricks, skits, flannelgraph, story telling, and energetic Bible teaching. They give priority to serving in this way within the context of their missionaries’ ministries but do occasionally accept other opportunities.

InFaith sent John and Miriam to central Nebraska, and after finding ministry needs in their area, John and Miriam spread the gospel across fifteen counties in central Nebraska. Their ministries include VBS, Bible clubs for kids, AWANA, youth groups, adult Bible studies, mentoring opportunities, and pulpit supply. Central Nebraskans know them best for their management of Homeward Trail Bible Camp near Mason City. John has also helped a local church reorganize, and has served as pastor of two local churches for a total of fourteen years. More recently, John and Miriam also directed Camp Joy near Republican City, NE for 4 seasons.

As Field Director, John is excited about the opportunity to provide an understanding ear, strong shoulders, and wise counsel to the missionaries and candidates under his care.

God has given the Lewises many opportunities to pass Bible knowledge on to other people. The power of God’s Word has proven unmistakable, as John’s favorite verse shows: “For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

The Lewises have served as InFaith field staff since 1993.

John and Miriam came to InFaith because the vision to evangelize, congregate, and disciple the people of America corresponded with their calling. They felt that the mission family truly dedicated themselves to ensuring no group of people, no matter how remote or small, would fail to possess a genuine gospel witness.

After they were married in May 1992, John and Miriam applied to the mission and moved to their current home in Mason City, Nebraska the following year. They have six children: four girls and two boys. The family enjoys the outdoors, traveling, camping, sports, games, and good movies. Their home serves as a refuge for troubled youth and neighborhood kids, providing the opportunity for the whole family to participate in ministry.

Mason City, NE
United States

41.2230641, -99.3003753

Lewis' Ministry Expense Fund
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Fund Details

Donate to John & Miriam Lewis' Ministry Expense Fund to help fund the practical side of ministry (travel, office supplies, Bible Study materials, etc). Your generosity will fund a critical part of the ministry of our field staff, providing supplies that you or I may take for granted, that are necessary for completing everyday ministry.