Kyle Beshears (CH LT) NAVY
Kyle serves as a Navy Reserves Chaplain. As an Air Force veteran (’03-’09), Kyle came to faith in our Lord Jesus during his enlistment. Since then, the Lord has done an incredible work in his life. He serves as instructor of Christian studies and associate dean of the School of Christian Studies at the University of Mobile, and teaching pastor at Mars Hill Church in Mobile, AL. He recently wrote a book, Apatheism: How to Share When They Don't Care, which was released March 2021. He completed a B.S. at Moody Bible Institute, M.R.E. at Liberty University, and a Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in World Religions. Kyle commissioned to the Navy Chaplaincy, August 2020 Kyle writes, “Despite these amazing appointments, the call to chaplaincy had never dimmed. I continually sensed a clear calling to bear the Lord’s name well within the military community, to be a witness for the gospel to all, to provide pastoral care for brothers and sisters in our faith, and to counsel biblically any who desire the wisdom and guidance that only God can provide by his Spirit-empowered word. The Holy Spirit has molded my heart to desire the sanctification of myself and His people, and to yearn for the regeneration of the lost. I know the military community: its challenges, stresses, and crevasses of darkness. Our service members navigate through a milieu of ethical dilemmas, PTSD, and marital and family stress. For believers, it can be a time of disorientation. For unbelievers, it is a season ripe for asking the deepest questions of purpose and meaning in life. I want to be a light for the Lord Jesus Christ; I know that he has given me this mission.” Kyle is married to Heather, and they have a daughter, Whitney Grace.