Dan Sheldon, Chief Financial Officer
The rhythm of the home where Dan grew up was God-centered, and his parents instilled in him the gift of faith in Jesus Christ. “Belief in a loving Father God who desired a relationship with me and made a way for me to know Him through the work of Jesus Christ, His only begotten son, came to me as naturally as learning to walk or talk,” Dan says, adding, “I’ve often been guilty of taking my faith for granted, but God does not let me stay long in those places, and in various ways He turns my attention towards Him again. One of those times came as I reflected on Ephesians 1:3 after the death of my father; I realized I truly have been ‘blessed with every spiritual blessing’ – far beyond my ability to describe in words.”
Dan attended Wheaton College for two years, and then transferred to Gordon College. It was at Gordon he met and fell in love with Deborah Oliveira, a godly young woman who loved him back. They were married in 1984 and have been blessed with four children.
Though he studied history and secondary education in college, Dan never did teach high-school history after his time of student teaching. He spent a few years casting about for a career before landing at a Christian nonprofit. Finding a place in non-profit finance and administration, Dan realized that God was calling him to serve this way in His Kingdom. He went to school at night and earned an MBA from Widener University.
“As a college student I can remember sitting way up in the rafters of the arena at the University of Illinois, attending the Urbana Mission Conference,” Dan says. “It was New Year’s Eve, December 31, 1979, and Billy Graham was delivering the closing message. He spoke about giving our lives in service to God and closed by asking everyone who was willing to follow God’s call to serve Him to stand up. I stayed glued to my seat, certain that I was the only one in the whole arena who was too selfish, too frightened, too unwilling to totally surrender control to God’s leading. But God would have His way with my life, anyway. And for the last twenty-five years it has been the joy of my life to serve Him with the my skills and gifts in non-profit finance and administration.”
Considering the call to service one of God’s many blessings, Dan has been serving with InFaith since Fall 2012. The spiritual blessings God has given him overflow to our mission as he oversees financial details for our donors and staff.
If you would like to give a gift to Dan's support, you can do so here.