AAndy Hermanns serves in the Irrigon/Boardman area. It is a small farming community which is growing at a rapid pace. The rapid growth in the communities is due to the influx of Amazon data centers that are being built daily along with the motels, gas stations, and convenience stores to accommodate all the new people moving to the area. With the growth in the communities, there has been a growing drug problem, alcohol abuse, theft, and vandalism. Along with the issue of drugs and alcohol, prostitution and gangs are well-known in the area.
Because of nearby farming, Amazon data centers, and construction, the communities, and surrounding areas have a large flow of immigrants and seasonal workers, some with the lack of adequate housing and food. Most families are low-income and rely on government assistance. The elementary schools have a secret "backpack" program where they send home food for the weekends to students who are going without. There are a few churches in the community, but church attendance has been declining instead of increasing with the new flow of people. Many people in the community consider themselves Christian, but do not fully understand the walk.
The kids in Irrigon/Boardman do not have a safe place to go. They crave healthy relationships with people who care about them. In recent years there have been several suicides, and even more have been attempted. With the separation and isolation from the pandemic it has made the suicide rate even higher. Most of the children are from broken homes, and because of this they turn to drugs, alcohol, and sexual relationships before they get into high school. Teen pregnancy is on the rise in the communities, as well. These communities desperately need connection and unity.