ashley coleman

Ashley Coleman

Field Staff

Clear Lake, IA
United States

Discipleship Homeless Ministry Prison Recovery Ministry Rural Ministry

Ashley and her family have been on a mission in Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, since 2011. Ashley's ministry focuses on one-on-one discipleship, family discipleship, and leading Bible studies with women at the county jail and in the community. Ashley also ministers to women in recovery and those navigating involvement with child protective services in their family. Walking alongside women and their families through some of the darkest moments in life, while offering the hope and freedom found in Jesus Christ, is the heartbeat of her ministry.

Local Reach

Cerro Gordo County is in rural North Iowa and has a population of just over 42,000 people. Substance use and associated criminal activity continue to be prevalent issues in North Iowa, and there is an immense need for additional mental health and family support services. The poverty rate in Cerro Gordo County is 11.7%, and Cerro Gordo is the third-highest county in the state for its average annual rate of methamphetamine treatment admissions.

One of the main needs Ashley sees is better access to mental health services, recovery/post-incarceration services, and family support. The local Church does not yet have a very active presence among the demographic Ashley's ministry reaches. She hopes to help better engage the local Church.

Ashley's ministry primarily targets women in North Iowa who are navigating struggles with substance use, recovery from substance use, incarceration, and/or involvement with child protective services in their family. Through one-on-one discipleship, Ashley's ministry introduces struggling women and their families to the love of Christ and the fellowship found in Christian community. As a local CASA volunteer, licensed foster family, and drug court/Celebrate Recovery sponsor, Ashley is also well-connected to existing services and helps bridge the gaps. As soon as her licensure in counseling is active, Ashley also plans to offer licensed mental health counseling as part of her ministry.

Ashley has been field staff with InFaith since 2024. Ashley and her husband have been self-employed business owners since 2013. She has a B.A. in Writing and is currently pursuing an M.S. in Counseling from Upper Iowa University (on track to finish in 2025). Ashley came to InFaith to further pursue her calling to reach the lost and brokenhearted in their lowest moments of life, providing mentorship and discipleship to women and their families. InFaith’s vision of being missionaries in the local community aligns with the Coleman family's mission of living out Matthew 28:19-20 wherever they are.

Ashley has been married to her best friend and ministry partner, Shea, for almost 17 years, and they have two daughters and one son. The Colemans are also a licensed foster family and a host family for international students.

Clear Lake, IA
United States

43.1435564, -93.3788108