Bud Lamb

Field Staff

Santa Cruz County, CA
United States

Discipleship Pastorate Recovery Ministry

Bud Lamb has been an ordained pastor for almost 20 years. He mentors men and encourages younger pastors. He works one-on-one, writes, and leads high adventure retreats in a way similar to that of Jesus, Paul, and a long line of men who practice the lost art of the handcrafting of disciples in partnership with God. He works one-on-one and with groups over the phone or video conferencing across the United States. Bud helps men discover or recover their spiritual passion, envisioning a plan for their lives to help them overcome current circumstances and move forward in positive ways. His goal is to help them become better men, husbands, spiritual leaders, and influencers of their culture. What drives Bud’s passion and purpose is to know and enjoy God, to love as Jesus does, and to inspire others to do the same.

Local Reach

Bud reaches out to men and pastors in Northern California and across the western United States, with a ministry center in Santa Cruz County, California.

Many men are disappointed with life, stalled in their faith, and stuck with bad habits that affect their marriage and family life. Some drift along in a dissatisfied state, while others isolate themselves and are prone to act out in unhealthy ways. Without a compelling vision for their lives, these men opt for quick fixes, always asking the question, “What’s next?”

With a noble vision for life and a compass set on Jesus Christ, these men can renew their spiritual passion and restore their marriages. The greatest need is for mentors to come alongside them and show them healthy ways to get back on track.

After many years as a pastor in large churches, Bud stepped out in 2017 to mentor men and encourage pastors across America.

His life experience as a man overcoming crippling addictions, learning by falling down and getting up, and continually pursuing a practical and real life as a follower of Jesus makes him an ideal mentor.

Through his years as a pastor, he knows that lonely and awesome profession and has forged a deep understanding of how important it is to have someone who is safe and seasoned to come alongside in hard seasons.

After seeing the needs among men in his church and community, Bud began reaching out to pastors, businessmen, aspiring leaders, and husbands as a Christian mentor. “My purpose is to expand Jesus’ influence through my relationships with these men, encouraging spiritual leadership in this generation and the next.”

He has invested in men from all walks of life; homeless men, passive men, men ambitious for expanding Jesus' Kingdom but passed over for their rough exterior - addicts, fallen pastors, men with secrets as well as seminary graduates with a clean veneer. Every man has the DNA of his maker and is capable of spiritual leadership.

The phone and video conferencing make Bud’s reach across America possible.

Bud has served with InFaith since 2017.

He has served as a lay pastor in small churches and an ordained pastor in larger churches for the past fifteen years. “My number one passion is my relationship with God—it towers above everything else in my life,” Bud writes.

Bud is married to the love of his life, Lea Ann. They have two children, a son-in-law, and a granddaughter. Bud loves spending time outdoors—his hobbies include trail running, kayaking, hiking, and backpacking.

Santa Cruz County, CA
United States

37.0453988, -121.9579578

Neighbor Relief Fund

Fund Details

The "Neighbor Relief Fund" embodies the call of Jesus to "love thy neighbor." This initiative is a testament to Bud's unwavering commitment to Christ's mission, aiming to provide essential financial aid to individuals and families facing hardships, and guiding them towards the hope and redemption offered by Christ.

By contributing to this fund, you're directly participating in the work of Jesus, bringing His love and compassion to those in need, and lighting the path for men to find solace and purpose in His teachings.