Celina Gladden


Greater Greenwood, SC
United States

Area Ministry Chaplaincy Children/Youth Discipleship Rural Ministry Seniors Young Adult

The ministry Celina has been called to is women’s recovery, senior adults, and local inner-city children. She has plans for community events to bring people from many different backgrounds and walks of life together as an opportunity to bring the lost to Jesus. She also ministers to local women's recovery homes, several nursing homes, and holds an after-school Bible study. In addition, she also wants to incorporate chaplaincy since she is in a law enforcement family. Whenever God tells her to help or spread how amazing He is, she will go or do!

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Local Reach

Celina’s local of Greenwood, South Carolina, is where she grew up. She currently lives in a one-stoplight town bordering Greenwood, where the biggest store is Dollar General. Greenwood itself has a population of more than 22,000 in a county of more than 69,000 residents. It's a small town with Southern charm, but stricken by poverty, homelessness, addiction, and gangs.

Celina wants to reach those in the community who are lost and may have never had a chance to know or have a relationship with the Lord. She is particularly concerned for children who have struggles and hardships at home and need a safe place to know Christ and develop a relationship with Him. These children need mentors who have been in similar conditions to prove that the cycle can be broken with God’s help. Overall, the area needs to develop fellowship in community to help people be grounded in Christ and build each other up.

Celina became a candidate with InFaith in 2023. She is outgoing, has a servant's heart, and is willing to go or do whatever God lays on her heart.

Christ has completely changed Celina’s life, and she takes any opportunity she can to help others know Him. She didn’t grow up going to church and didn’t even know there was a God you could pray to, praise, or to whom you could bring the burdens of your heart. When she was saved at age 28, recurrent suicidal thoughts completely went away. She knows without doubt that she is only where she is now by the grace of God, even when she didn’t know who He really was.

Celina and her husband have been married for almost ten years, and together they have two beautiful girls.

Greater Greenwood, SC
United States

34.1954001, -82.1617883