Colin Deay

Colin Deay

Field Staff

Richardson, TX
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate

Colin Deay is pastor of Open Door Presbyterian Church, a church plant of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. They strive to be gospel-centered, value diversity, foster deep community and engage every member in the church's mission.

Local Reach

Colin Deay serves in Richarson, TX, a suburb 20 miles north of Dallas, TX. It is a diverse area, both culturally and socio-economically. Richardson is approximately 53% White, 17% Hispanic, 15% Asian, 12% Black, and .5% Native American, and most of its growth in the last 10 years has come from non-white people groups.

While Richardson has a strong evangelical presence, the fastest-growing religious group in the area is "nones". The group pertains to a rapid influx of people from other countries and cultures, which has led to an increasing number of non-Christian religious institutions.

A few of the needs Colin sees in the community are outreach to and intentional inclusion of people from other cultures, outreach to deconstructing and deconstructed Christians, care for the poor, clear gospel preaching, and discipleship.

Colin Deay believes that for the church's mission to be accomplished, the whole church needs to be engaged with the mission. He does this both corporately and individually.  Corporately, Colin plans to serve the poor together as a church once a month and to see this not as a niche ministry of a few passionate people in the church, but as a ministry that Jesus gave to all his followers. Through church activities and outreach events, they will develop internal and external relationships in which people can hear and grow in the gospel. They also strive to equip individuals and families to be the light of the gospel where they are, to their own friends, family, and neighbors. This means teaching them how to be intentionally present with those around them, effectively share the gospel, and to show hospitality.

Colin Deay has been field staff with InFaith since 2023.

Colin has been married to his incredible wife Sarah since 2014. They met at the Eastman School of Music, where Colin graduated with percussion and music education degrees, and Sarah graduated with a degree in flute.

Colin got his MDiv from Reformed Theological Seminary in 2019, and since then He’s been working as Director of Music and Worship for Metrocrest Presbyterian Church. In the summer of 2021, Colin realized that God was calling him to church planting, a call he had begun to feel in college when he first felt called to ministry. Sarah and Colin are excited to see how God will work in and through Open Door Presbyterian Church. It is His work, and Colin and Sarah are thrilled to be a part of it.

Richardson, TX
United States

32.9483335, -96.7298519

Colin Deay - Expense Fund
Expense Fund filler

Fund Details

Donate to Colin Deay's Ministry Expense Fund to help fund the practical side of ministry (travel, office supplies, Bible Study materials, etc). Your generosity will fund a critical part of the ministry of our field staff, providing supplies that you or I may take for granted, that are necessary for completing everyday ministry.