Dan & Star Robinson

Field Staff

Cave Junction, OR
United States

Discipleship Pastorate

Dan and Star Robinson minister to their neighbors in this counter-cultural (hippie) area through a church that has been in place since the late sixties. Takilma Bible Church holds weekly services, several Bible studies, and a youth group for residents. It also hosts a clothing give away twice a year. Dan and Star attribute the vibrancy of these various ministries to the church’s longevity in the community.

Local Reach

Dan and Star Robinson serve in Cave Junction, Oregon, a rural area surrounded by mountains. Economically, this area has held the highest unemployment rate in Oregon, which is often one of the highest in the United States. With the drug industry at one of its highest ebbs, many of the unemployed are involved with growing marijuana.

Many families in this community are broken and experiencing poverty and hopelessness for their situations. The biggest need is for people to recognize that there is a God who they can know and who can provide true hope.

After seeing the need in their community, the Robinsons began ministering to their neighbors in the "hippie" area through a church that was planted there in 1982. Over the years, the church has developed a personality that has made ministry inroads into the old culture as well as the new a bit easier. Though a difficult and rebellious area, Dan and Star feel called to share the Lord with the wonderful people there.

Takilma Bible Church holds weekly services, several Bible studies, and a youth group for residents. It also hosts a clothing give away twice a year. Dan and Star attribute the vibrancy of these various ministries to the church’s longevity in the community. “We make ourselves available to the community wherever an opportunity is evident,” Dan writes. “We are now considered part of the community, respected and leaned on by people, many of whom do not yet know the Lord.”

The Robinsons have served as InFaith field staff since 1986.

Star was born in Takilma, Oregon, in a counter-cultural (hippie) area. Dan came to this area to minister in 1986, and the two were married in 1992. They have seven children, all of whom have grown up active in ministry as a family.

Dan came to know Jesus as Savior in 1975. He attended Shasta Bible College until 1981, and has been in full-time vocational Christian service since 1980. His prior ministries include serving with Christians behind the Iron Curtain (1985) and several youth and associate pastorates.

Cave Junction, OR
United States
