Marty and Edna Ziegler left their Base Camp of Stafford, Kansas in 2018 and headed south—way south—to the Texas/Mexico border. Southern Comfort and Country Sunshine RV Parks are host to a few annual residents. But come winter, the parks become filled with “winter Texans,” older folks from the north leaving the cold for just a few months to connect with old friends in a warm and inviting climate. While many are regular churchgoers back home some don’t have a desire for the things of God. Either way these are folks in their latter years dealing with health issues, family concerns, or even the loss of a spouse. It’s a critical time in which they may begin to seek God more seriously while trying to navigate the difficulties of the current days and regrets of days gone by. Questions of what lies ahead, beyond this earthly life, give opportunity to share the hope of heaven through Christ.
Local Reach
Reaching local and beyond.
Local: As full time RVers, Marty and Edna spend six months (October-March) as chaplains through Christian Resort Ministries at two parks in Weslaco, Texas. They serve annual residents as well as seasonal residents (known as “winter Texans”) by leading Sunday chapel services where Marty preaches. They hold weekly men’s and women’s Bible studies where they both teach. The Zieglers seek to build relationships with these seniors as they make house calls and patio visits. When necessary and allowed, they make their way to local hospitals and rehab centers to visit and encourage any park resident in need.
Beyond: In mid-spring Marty and Edna pack up their 32’ fifth wheel, pulled by their Ford truck, and travel around the central United States to speak at churches, camps, RV parks, and other local events. With the tagline of Traveling Light through InFaith they are blessed to go and share the light of Christ as God opens doors.
The Zieglers have served as InFaith field staff since May 2019.
Edna and Marty Ziegler have been married for forty-three years, have three incredible children married to wonderful spouses, and are blessed with five delightful grandchildren. They praise God for sustaining their marriage with His love and by blessing them with a good sense of humor. Now having grown “older and wiser,” the Zieglers desire to take everything God has taught them and share it with everyone they meet.
Edna and Marty have just started a new project called Simon’s House, a place where pastors, missionaries and other co-laborers can retreat for some R&R&R—rest, refreshing, refocusing—whatever the need may be. They have established a small house in their park for a winter retreat and are currently looking to create a summer retreat in the Black Hills of South Dakota. If you would like to donate to Simon’s House and the SD Retreat, just click the Give button below.