
Erik & Katie Allen

Field Staff

Auburn, CA
United States


Erik and Katie Allen live in a unique demographic and socio-economic melting pot in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, with rural areas to the east and urban to the west. With ample opportunity for outdoor ministries in their area, the Allens began to serve the adventure sports community through outdoor discipleship and evangelism. They serve local churches by hosting family camps and guiding adventure trips throughout the region, and also reach Christian camps by leading trips and training the staff.

Local Reach

Erik and Katie Allen serve in Auburn, California. Located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the surrounding area is rural to the east and urban to the west, leading to a demographic and socio-economic melting pot.

God does amazing things when we take the time to acknowledge Him, especially in outdoor settings. Those who have had the opportunity to attend Christian camps and retreats can attest to the tremendous impact they can have. With ample opportunity for outdoor ministries in their area, the Allens saw the need to preach truth to their community.

“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few’.” (Matthew 9:37)

After seeing the need for unique ministry in their community, the Allens began to serve the adventure sports community through outdoor discipleship and evangelism. They serve local churches by hosting family camps and guiding adventure trips throughout the region, and also reach Christian camps by leading trips and training the staff.

Erik and Katie are able to meet the needs of their community by being a light to this unique segment of adventure sports enthusiasts. “We are very excited about this opportunity to serve with InFaith and the wonderful opportunities that it will open up,” Erik writes. “We believe God has been preparing us for this all our lives.”

The Allens have served as InFaith associates since 2016.

Erik and Katie live in Auburn, California and have two boys. Erik is a multi-sport athlete and a professional outdoor guide. He has a degree in Theology and Camping Ministries, is a Wilderness First Responder, and a Rescue Technician. Katie works at a nearby hospital as a Registered Nurse. As a family, they have a passion to serve the Lord through outdoor ministries. Erik and Katie have been called to outdoor discipleship and evangelism to the adventure sport community.

Auburn, CA
United States

38.8965654, -121.0768901