Irene Britton serves in Portland, Oregon, an urban area teeming with different cultural and ethnic groups. The Mienh people are scattered throughout the greater Portland area, and it is this community that Irene has been called to serve.
The Mienh are an ethnic group originating from southeastern Asia (primarily China and Laos). Their culture has animistic and Taoistic elements. Having come to the United States within the last thirty to forty years, the people have kept distinct traditional dress, language, and food as part of their community.
As a newer culture in the United States, the Mienh people have bought in to American materialism. Alcohol, sex, and gambling have become common stumbling blocks in the community. There is a need for clear teaching on living a Christian life. The older Mienh generation often have trouble understanding English, so there is also a specific need for biblical materials and/or oral teaching in the Mienh language.