Irene britton

Irene Britton

Field Staff

Portland, OR
United States

Children/Youth Cross-Cultural Urban Ministry

Irene Britton serves a Mienh congregation, an ethnic group originating from southeastern Asia (primarily China and Laos) who have come to the United States within the last thirty to forty years. Many have bought in to American materialism, and there is a need for clear teaching on living a Christian life. Irene taught the children & youth for years few children or youth attend. Due to her Biblical background, Irene also teaches and disciples adults in the congregation, and does home visitation for Mienh families in the church.

Local Reach

Irene Britton serves in Portland, Oregon, an urban area teeming with different cultural and ethnic groups. The Mienh people are scattered throughout the greater Portland area, and it is this community that Irene has been called to serve.

The Mienh are an ethnic group originating from southeastern Asia (primarily China and Laos). Their culture has animistic and Taoistic elements. Having come to the United States within the last thirty to forty years, the people have kept distinct traditional dress, language, and food as part of their community.

As a newer culture in the United States, the Mienh people have bought in to American materialism. Alcohol, sex, and gambling have become common stumbling blocks in the community. There is a need for clear teaching on living a Christian life. The older Mienh generation often have trouble understanding English, so there is also a specific need for biblical materials and/or oral teaching in the Mienh language.

After seeing the need in the Mienh community in Portland, Irene and her late husband began serving the Mienh congregation through a number of ministries. Since her husband's passing, she continues coming alongside the leadership as they desire her participation and encouragement.

In the local community, Irene does visitation for Mienh families with members who can’t get out much, and she participates in home worship services by sharing a devotional. Irene and other church leaders are working to expand the reach of the Mienh congregation, and are in need of leadership to focus on growth in the community.

Irene Britton has served as InFaith field staff since 1985.

Irene has a background in elementary education, and served with the Agape Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) in Tehran, Iran as a teacher in an international school before she married. After marrying Lee, the two served the Hmong people for years, and joined InFaith as a way to continue their ministry to these people full time. The Hmong community in Portland experienced much spiritual growth, so when the Brittons’ saw a need with the Mienh community, they began a new stage of ministry.

After Lee went to heaven on January 31, 2016, Irene committed to continue carrying on their ministry until the Lord directed her otherwise. The Brittons’ have three grown children, one of which are married.

She is overseeing 4 other retirees from the PNW field who each, along with Irene, have a list of retirees and current Area Coordinators to pray for. Pray first!

Portland, OR
United States

45.515232, -122.6783853
