Jennifer Haak serves the tri-county area of Chester, Lancaster, and Berks Counties in southeastern Pennsylvania and lives near where those borders meet. The area spreads across rural farmlands punctuated with small towns and cities and is also home to thousands of Amish and Mennonites.
Pockets of poverty plague the communities, and they have experienced increased rates of homelessness and drug abuse. Young people have also been impacted by the spikes in suicide and depression in the nearby high schools, causing great concern in the area. In addition to these difficulties, even young believers are leaving the church at an alarming rate--up to 65% after age eighteen. Their reasons for leaving indicate a deep need for “more.”
However, during the 1950s and 1970s this area was the site of great revivals with thousands of people in attendance across the farm fields. Hope still burns that these communities will be restored to fullness of life once again but with even greater purpose!
A need exists for young people and families to experience and truly know the hope and love of Jesus and to walk in their Spirit-empowered purposes, identities, and gifts. Through this, people will witness city and rural transformation. Jennifer believes this transformation will begin with the young people in her area, which will ignite a change there and beyond.