
Jerry & Patty Boyle

Field Staff

Redding, CA
United States

Area Ministry Community Impact / Development Discipleship Rural Ministry

Jerry and Patty Boyle serve in northern California. Jerry preaches in two local churches in the Redding area. He preaches on a rotating basis, and counsels and disciples men in the church. In addition, Jerry helps the churches organize men’s retreats and work camps, and helps them find ways to establish a gospel witness in the surrounding communities.

Local Reach

Jerry and Patty Boyle serve in Redding, an area in northern California with a population of about 100,000. The surrounding communities are very rural and comprised of small towns supported by agriculture, recreation, and logging.

Redding is a predominately white community, but the Hispanic and Asian immigrant populations are growing. While Redding has a strong Christian community, the surrounding towns are in need of a credible gospel witness.

After seeing the need in their community, Jerry began preaching in two local churches in the Redding area. He preaches on a rotating basis, and counsels and disciples men in the church. In addition, Jerry helps the churches organize men’s retreats and work camps, and helps them find ways to establish a gospel witness in the surrounding communities.

The Boyles have served as InFaith field staff since 1975.

Jerry was raised in an ASSU Sunday School and attended Shasta Bible College. He has been married to Patty for fifty-two years, and they have several children and grandchildren. Jerry loves hunting, fishing, and ranching.

Redding, CA
United States

40.5865396, -122.3916754