
Jessica Kloeppel


Grand Junction, CO
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Discipleship Young Adult

Jessica recently took the call to ministry to impact the lives of those at Camp Hope. She has a passion for children and youth of the area and hopes to teach them the love and saving grace of Jesus.

Local Reach

Jessica serves in Grand Junction, Colorado, 25 miles east of the Utah border. There are a variety of economic and religious backgrounds in the area, making for a diverse landscape of people.

Grand Junction is comprised of many small communities with a total population of 147,000. The area is famous for its rich agriculture and fruit orchards alongside the oil and gas industries.

Jessica serves with Camp Hope by reaching the children that come to the camp. This has become her passion as she helps children see the love and hope of Christ even in times of darkness. Many of the kids and youth and young adults are at risk for issues like suicide, victims of bullying, and gang-related pressures. These hardships make it so important to have places like Camp Hope to guide them to Christ.

Jessica became an approved candidate with InFaith in 2020.

Before deciding to join InFaith, Jessica was a dental assistant for 27 years. In 2012 Jessica visited Camp Hope for the first time. Ever since that summer visit, she felt called to be a part of their ministry. After 8 years that call is becoming a reality and she cannot wait to see what God has in store.

Grand Junction, CO
United States

39.0638705, -108.5506486