
John & Kathy Hoover

Field Staff

Southern, NH
United States

Chaplaincy Discipleship Seniors

John and Kathy Hoover serve in the suburbs of southern New Hampshire, one of the least evangelized states in the United States where less than four percent of residents believe in the evangelical gospel. The Hoovers introduce people in New England to the person and redemptive work of Christ through nursing home evangelism, discipleship, mentoring, and encouragement to other local ministry leaders.

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Local Reach

John and Kathy Hoover serve in the suburbs of southern New Hampshire, one of the least evangelized states in the United States. Less than four percent of residents believe in the evangelical gospel, with no understanding of what a personal relationship with Jesus Christ means.

After seeing the needs in their community, the Hoovers felt called to introduce people in New England to the person and redemptive work of Christ through nursing home evangelism, discipleship, mentoring, and encouragement to other local ministry leaders.

John’s primary ministry is as a volunteer chaplain at several area nursing homes, sharing the gospel message with residents, their families, and staff. The desire to work with the elderly population was impressed upon John at an early age as a result of having a godly grandmother. He saw the need for the people at this stage of life – many of whom are lonely, depressed, angry, and life-weary – to hear of God’s love for them. Though the Hoovers hold church services at nursing homes, the heart of the ministry is one-on-one evangelistic visitation.

The Hoovers have served as InFaith field staff since 2009.

John and Kathy grew up in Amish Country, Pennsylvania. They both attended Lancaster Bible College and felt a call to serve in an area that was under evangelized. This call eventually led them to New England, where they began serving with InFaith because it was a “color outside the lines for Jesus” organization.

Southern, NH
United States

43.1938516, -71.5723953

Hoover's Ministry Expense Fund
Expense Fund filler

Fund Details

Donate to John & Kathy Hoover's Ministry Expense Fund to help fund the practical side of ministry (travel, office supplies, Bible Study materials, etc). Your generosity will fund a critical part of the ministry of our field staff, providing supplies that you or I may take for granted, that are necessary for completing everyday ministry.