Jon and Jerilyn Sousa serve in Willamette Valley, Oregon, an area comprised of small towns surrounded by farmland and woods. Many residents of this area are Mexican immigrants who have come to the United States to escape poverty south of the border. They live in fear of being embarrassed or not fitting in, resulting in a real struggle with peer pressure.
The majority of the people in this area have a Catholic background, though generally by tradition and not active practice. This religious background results in the primary belief that the saints can help but also punish an individual, resulting in a life of fear.
Immigrants experience many needs when coming to a new country. Adjusting to life in the United States is not always easy, and they often need assistance with translating documents and finding housing, schools, and employment. Spiritually, these residents need an understanding of the love and redemption found in the gospel message, a stark difference from the fear they feel regarding the saints.