Josh Morgan

Josh Morgan


Sandy, OR
United States


Josh serves in Sandy, Oregon where he trains, mobilizes and equips families and churches for a citywide, home-based disciple-making movement. He plans to accomplish this by discipling fathers and reaching families and the churches in his local. 

Local Reach

Josh’s local of Sandy, Oregon is a mostly suburban town with a population of about 13,000 located in the foothills of Mt. Hood. Sandy is a majority white, rural-suburban, middle-upper class, but are not religiously affiliated. (Less that 30% of the city's population is religious.)

There is a great need in Sandy for churches to have access to the resources they need to make disciples on a grassroots level. If fathers and families in particular had the tools to transform their homes into hubs for ministry, much of the great commission could be fulfilled in Sandy within a single generation. But many Christians have little incentive or practical training in how to engage the work of the great commission for themselves, being reliant instead on pastors, professionals, and programs to do much of the heavy lifting for them.

Josh believes that rather than relieve everyday believers from the privilege and responsibility of making disciples, it is the job of pastors, teachers, evangelists, etc. to equip and train the saints to do this work of the ministry for themselves (Eph. 4:11-13). Helping pastors, teachers, and leadership make the transition from shouldering the burden themselves to instead being an outfitter or equipper of their congregations is a big part of what his ministry exists to do.

Josh Morgan has been a candidate with InFaith since 2022.

Josh served as a youth pastor for over 11 years and a senior pastor for 4 years. He has a B.A. in Bible and Theology from Multnomah Bible College (2006) and an M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Western Seminary (2013). Josh came to InFaith to realize his calling to both make disciples and teach others how to do the same. InFaith’s history of reaching the U.S. as the primary mission field as well as their focus on meeting the needs of the communities in which we live was compelling to him.

Josh has been happily married for over 20 years with 4 children, 3 girls and a boy.

Sandy, OR
United States

45.3973141, -122.2630704