Josiah and his family have rooted themselves in Camden and Philadelphia. In a time of escalating violence, addiction, and brokenness, their call to service resonates more than ever. Josiah believes that every believer is a disciple and an evangelist, and with this belief, he has successfully extended the reach of the gospel beyond the church walls.
An integral part of Josiah's mission is the Spiritual P.H.D Course, a discipleship program designed to create biblically literate and spiritually intelligent disciples of Jesus Christ, who will model His character and demonstrate His power. The course provides a mix of live teaching sessions, downloadable study materials, personal coaching sessions, group meetings with seasoned ministers, and access to a private Facebook group. The Spiritual P.H.D Course is more than just a learning program – it's an opportunity to commit to personal spiritual growth and to be part of a community driven to effect positive change.