
Keith & Linda Stringfellow

Field Staff

Julian, CA
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Counseling Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry

Keith and Linda Stringfellow serve in southern California. As a Field Director, Keith provides pastoral care, ministry help, and administrative support to the InFaith missionaries serving on various fields throughout Arizona, California, and Nevada. The Stringfellows participate year-round in the personal lives and ministries of missionaries by way of personal visits, regular accountability and prayer, occasional board meetings, camps, and other ministry events that help the missionaries with special needs, crisis, or leadership changes.

Local Reach

From the mega cities to fertile agricultural valleys to the isolated mountain and desert communities, America is well represented by the 47 million people in California, Arizona, and Nevada. Over 200 languages from all around the globe are identified in Los Angeles county with nearly 100 language groups in the LA school district alone. The strength of the Church is evident among many groups and places. Yet, from the inner city to the end of long dirt roads, many millions need Christ. In many communities, primarily rural, the only presence of Christ is the historical and ongoing work of InFaith missionaries. There continues to remain more opportunities to reach the lost and provide spiritual leadership than workers to do it. Pray the Lord of the harvest sends more into these needy fields.

Keith and Linda Stringfellow serve in southern California, and connect with other missionaries throughout Arizona, California, and Nevada. As a Field Director, Keith connects with missionaries serving in a variety of capacities, including youth ministry, camping, preaching, and cross-cultural ministry.

This field, along with the rest of the mission, ministers to both the churched and unchurched, children and adults, many of whom are in low socio-economic areas and have a weak understanding of God’s Word and their responsibility of fulfilling the Great Commission.

These communities are in need of more Christian workers who will stand for Christ and proclaim the truths of His Word. There is also a need for full-time workers, both supported missionaries and volunteers, in the open fields of ministry throughout the United States.

Since March of 2020, Keith and Linda are actively serving the local ministry of Warner Springs Community Church. Keith provides pastoral leadership to this small rural congregation since the illness and passing of their former InFaith missionary paster Richard Rabehl.

Keith serves as the western Field Director by providing pastoral care, ministry help, and administrative support to the missionaries serving on the various fields throughout Arizona, California, and Nevada. The Stringfellows participate year-round in the personal lives and ministries of missionaries by way of personal visits, regular accountability and prayer, occasional board meetings, camps, and other ministry events that help the missionaries with special needs, crisis, or leadership changes.

Missionaries face difficult battles often requiring comfort and encouragement, prayer and wisdom, rest and refreshment, a listening ear and a helping hand. “Missionaries need loving care, support, and encouragement,” Keith writes. “It is both a great joy and challenging inspiration to come alongside those who have given their lives in faithful service for decades.”

"We love the missionaries whom God has raised up to serve Him in crucial roles here in the Western region. God is working in exciting ways. And we are proud of those He has called who let their light shine in otherwise dark places; diligently sharing the Gospel, teaching God's Word, and providing ministry leadership. It is a joy to come alongside them and offer personal care and ministry support to help them be effective for the long haul.”

Keith and Linda met at Biola University, where they received God’s call to a career in missions. They were married and joined InFaith in 1994 not knowing where and how God would lead in the years to come. They have since served in rural church planting, youth ministry, camping ministries, special needs ministry, counseling, preaching, and teaching. Their son David married Carissa in April 2022 and currently lives nearby in Julian. They are involved in a local church and share interests in construction, and mission aviation. Keith and Linda enjoy being part of what God is doing in the lives and ministries of the other field staff in California and Arizona and also serve locally by teaching God’s Word at the Julian Bible Club for elementary children. The Sierra and Cascade mountainranges are a favorite place for family vacations. “We are so grateful for the team of supporters who make these ministries possible. Thank you!”

Julian, CA
United States

33.0786552, -116.6019637

Stringfellow's Ministry Expense Fund
Expense Fund filler

Fund Details

Donate to Keith & Linda Stringfellow's Ministry Expense Fund to help fund the practical side of ministry (travel, office supplies, Bible Study materials, etc). Your generosity will fund a critical part of the ministry of our field staff, providing supplies that you or I may take for granted, that are necessary for completing everyday ministry.

Stringfellow's Camp Fund
Camp fund filler

Fund Details

Donate to Keith & Linda Stringfellow's Camp Fund to help fund their camp's ministry. Providing a donation today could help a child or adult who would never have known Jesus to have the time away to reflect, join a group, or hear truth spoken. Your generosity will help keep this vital ministry reaching local and changing lives.