Kevin & Jennifer Domes

Field Staff

Wellfleet, NE
United States

Camping Children/Youth

Kevin and Jennifer Domes serve as Executive Directors at Bethel Bible Camp in Nebraska. The camp provides a low cost camping opportunity for local youth to hear about Christ and grow in their faith. In addition to their camp ministry, the Domeses are part of an AWANA ministry and youth group at the church they attend.

Local Reach

Kevin and Jennifer Domes serve in Wellfleet, Nebraska, a rural community twenty-five miles south of North Platte. The area has a small population that hosts a large agricultural industry. Many residents also find work on the railroads.

With almost half of the area claiming to have no affiliation with a church, the greatest need is for Christ to be made known in the community.

After seeing the need in their community, the Domeses began reaching the children in Wellfleet as Executive Directors at Bethel Bible Camp. The camp provides a low cost camping opportunity for local youth to hear about Christ and grow in their faith.

In addition to their camp ministry, the Domeses are part of the AWANA ministry in North Platte, where Kevin serves as the T&T (third through fifth grade) director and Jennifer is the Bible teacher for T&T. Kevin is also a leader with the high school youth group at their home church in North Platte.

The Domeses have served as InFaith field staff since 2011.

Kevin and Jennifer both attended Bible College, and have been part of camping ministries for thirty-one and twenty-three years, respectively. They have three children.

Before joining InFaith, the Domeses were part of the ministry at Trail’s End Ranch, a camp in southeastern Montana. They first served with InFaith at Fir Point Bible Camp in Oregon for two years before moving to Nebraska.

Wellfleet, NE
United States

40.7522303, -100.7298694

Domes' Camp Fund
Camp fund filler

Fund Details

Donate to Kevin & Jennifer Domes' Camp Fund to help fund their camp's ministry. Providing a donation today could help a child or adult who would never have known Jesus to have the time away to reflect, join a group, or hear truth spoken. Your generosity will help keep this vital ministry reaching local and changing lives.