Larry Bennett 2024

Larry Bennett

Field Staff

Yakima, WA
United States

Area Ministry Chaplaincy

Larry Bennett serves the Central Washington area and is a chaplain to released inmates and those who are recovering from drug or alcohol addictions. He also corresponds with state and federal inmates through letters and text messages. His method of serving is to use one-on-one teaching, and group teaching to help men and women who have been sidetracked by culture. He also fills in in the jail system when needed. On occasion,  he fills in where needed, in a church or Bible Study.

Local Reach

Larry Bennett serves in Union Gap, Washington, and has served as InFaith field staff since 1982.

Larry's purpose is to reach those unchurched in the county, especially those who have been incarcerated. After seeing the need in their community, Larry felt called to serve as a chaplain to former prisoners from the Yakima County Department of Corrections. He also has correspondence with inmates at several state and federal institutions, and disciples men who have been incarcerated and want to take on their own ministries.

Larry works one-on-one with former inmates; He has relationships with men who own their own businesses and those who are now ministering with half-way houses for released inmates from prisons and others who are serving in Celebrate Recovery ministries. In addition to the aftercare ministry, Larry also visits small groups and churches to provide encouragement. 

After the recent passing of Kathy, Larry's wife of 55 years, he continues the ministries he had been doing with her, and adding more as time allows and the Lord leads and gives him strength.

Yakima, WA
United States

46.6020711, -120.5058987