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Houston, TX
United States
Lenell serves in Houston, Texas, hoping to reach the lost and grow their relationship with the church. Lenell is an endorsed army reserves chaplain with InFaith and has been Hospital Chaplain for Orlando Health and Advent Health in Florida and completed 5 CPE Units. In addition, he has served in ministry as Youth Pastor and Outreach pastor with a passion to reach the lost.
Lenell serves in Houston, Texas where he sees a great need to reach his local community and have more evangelistic opportunities to show others that they are known and loved by Christ. Lenell sees a severe lack of church outreach in his local, so he wants to start making a difference by beginning some of that outreach. He believes the community needs more positive ministry awareness for Christ through evangelistic outreach since he sees a disconnect between the church and the community.
Lenell’s ministry reaches those in rural, suburban, and urban parts of the Houston, Texas area. His ministry is focused on developing disciples who live effective lives for God’s glory. He will help disciple children, youth, young adults, and seniors in the area. Lenell aims to minister to the whole person’s mind, body, and soul. He wants to help others use their gifts for the glory of God within the church.
Lenell became an approved candidate with InFaith in 2022.
He has two master's degrees, one in divinity and one in ministry. He is currently working toward his doctorate degree from Liberty University. Lenell is married with two daughters and counts himself blessed to be able to serve God every day.
“Since my salvation in Christ,” Lenell writes, “I have always had a calling to help those who have been emotionally wounded, that goes beyond the physical.”
Houston, TX
United States