
Leslie McAninch

Field Staff

Grand Junction, CO
United States

Area Ministry Discipleship Prayer support Rural Ministry Seniors

Leslie McAninch ministers to individuals, couples, groups, and communities in a variety of areas to help them grow and strengthen their faith in Christ. She loves to share the hope He can bring to any situation. Leslie says, “Whether it is a broken marriage, a broken heart, or a wounded sinful and broken soul, Jesus brings healing.”

Local Reach

Leslie McAninch serves in Western Slope, CO. The area is historically rural, but has recently experienced growth and change, nearly doubling in size over the last decade and changing in demographics. Leslie welcomes the growing diversity, as it provides her with opportunity to serve various cultures.

Western Slope has been a conservative, agricultural community. However, that is changing with Mesa State College becoming a university, the growth of the oil and gas industry, and new businesses moving in, as well as, Grand Junction becoming a destination for retirement. The area’s demographics have also changed in nearly every aspect, from religious backgrounds to cultures represented, along with socioeconomics, educational attainment, and more.

The community has its share of struggles, some caused by the recent changes, while others are more deep-seated. Some of the issues include; disparity in the cost of living versus income, substance abuse, suicides among youth, homelessness, and more.

After seeing the needs in her community, Leslie began to walk alongside and help people trapped in broken patterns, to improve communication and experience healing through relationship and hope found in the Great Physician, Jesus.

Leslie ministers to individuals, couples, groups, and communities to help them grow and strengthen their faith with Christ. She encourages them to consider how the Lord would have them impact others in their circle of influence for Kingdom purposes.

With a background in counseling, coaching, chaplaincy, and spiritual formation, she is dedicated to walking alongside others as they journey through life transitions and heal from crises. Leslie helps others effectively create and achieve goals. She and her husband are also involved with an outreach to seniors.

Leslie McAninch has served as InFaith field staff since 2019.

Leslie has an M.A. in psychology. She is a certified life coach, sabbatical coach, and also serves as a certified spiritual formation coach. Leslie has worked in counseling extensively with relational issues, grief processes, and life transitions. She loves to minister, disciple women and young adults, and teach in order to bring hope and encouragement.

For 12 years Leslie served as an outreach minister and special speaker with the parachurch organization Young Life, through which she implemented programs in five adolescent facilities. She has served as a university campus minister for 6 1/2 years, mentoring students, and providing spiritual, vocational, and life skills counseling. Leslie has served as a speaker for community awareness campaigns and church functions. She's also collaborated with and developed relationships within the Ministerial Alliance, and participates in ongoing educational activities in pastoral counseling and outreach to seniors.

She and her husband Randy together have five adult children and six grandchildren.  During her time off Leslie enjoys dabbling in art, photography, traveling, and spending time in the mountains.


Grand Junction, CO
United States

39.0638705, -108.5506486