Common Grace is located in the borough of Manhattan, in the neighborhood of West Village. The West Village is known for its arts, shopping, and restaurants. It is also home to New York University (NYU). New York City is densely populated. The metro region is home to 23.5 million people, the borough of Manhattan comprises 1.6 Million, and the zip code of the West Village ~30,000 (0.05 sq mile). A vast array of cultures make up this neighborhood. The main street through the Village is Bleecker Street, which is lined with restaurants, bars, concert venues, comedy clubs, and retailers. The Village is diverse in its commerce, albeit the residents are predominantly white, affluent, and educated. However, folks from all over the city come to the Village for its cultural offerings. And there on Bleecker, at the center of it all, sits Common Grace.
Local Reach
The COVID-19 Pandemic was particularly challenging for New Yorkers, in and outside the church. Zoom and virtual services changed the fabric of the city. While NYC is largely “back to normal,” church attendance has declined both virtually and in person (Pew Research). Consistent church attendance was a challenge pre-COVID, but more so now. Attending church is more of an “option,” with other events or activities taking priority. Despite these challenges, God is faithful to complete the work He has started (Phil 1:6).
Louis sees several needs: First, the West Village, and New York City in general, needs more gospel-centered, biblio-centric churches. NYC is highly populated, yet remains largely unchurched; the need is great (Matt. 9:37). There are many competing voices that offer truth claims, yet it is only Jesus who has the “words of eternal life.” In a predominately secular, progressive culture, there are several narratives which conflict with the Christian worldview. And thus it is essential that the Scriptures are taught and preached.
Second, the West Village needs a loving community. NYC is lonely, despite the many people. The fellowship of the saints is essential, especially living as exiles (1 Peter 2). It also serves the lost, who by God’s grace will taste the goodness of true belonging and will turn their hearts in repentance and belief in Jesus.
One can celebrate what the Village (and NYC) has to offer. Yet the allure is strong enough to cause one to trade Sunday church for Sunday brunch all without the appearance that they have abandoned their values. There is a multiplicity of other voices vying for the affection and allegiance of our hearts. And so the vision of Common Grace is to show the beauty of Christ clearly and as better than anything the Village (or the world) has to offer, so that the lost will be found in Him, and the found will be sanctified more and more in the image and likeness of Jesus our Lord.
Common Grace seeks to meet the needs of this community as a gospel-centered, biblio-centric church primarily by providing a place for worship, sound biblical teaching, discipleship, community, and evangelism. We worship every Sunday at 4 pm, a time rather attractive to certain New Yorkers. And we seek to faithfully preach through the Scriptures, teaching the whole counsel of God, trusting that it is God’s word which has the power to save and sanctify. Both believers and unbelievers need to hear the Word of God. We therefore focus on expository, Christ-centered, gospel preaching. Finally, in following Jesus’ command (Matthew 28), we seek to make disciples of the lost. We also seek to make disciples by being a church committed to the edification of believers, so that they might be strengthened in their faith to further the work of the kingdom in their respective lives.
Louis Sorbera has been a candidate with InFaith since 2023.
Louis was born and raised in Tampa, Florida, and relocated to New York City in 2018 to attend Reformed Theological Seminary, NYC, where he graduated with a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. In addition to seminary, he has trained with Redeemer City to City’s City Ministry Program, under the instruction of the late Dr. Timothy Keller and several other respectable men and women.
Louis is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). He is a husband to Zeidee, and a father to Santino, and expecting another boy come August. They currently reside in Weehawken, New Jersey, a town just across the Hudson river from Manhattan.