Mark & Joy Miller

Field Staff

Glendale, OR
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Discipleship Rural Ministry

Mark and Joy Miller have been serving the Lord through InFaith since 1990 in many different capacities. They began as summer missionaries, then moved into a Children's Missionary position, working closely with Fir Point Bible Camp in southern Oregon. In 2006, God led them to north Idaho to pastor two different churches for the next several years. In 2022, after a four-year hiatus from InFaith, God called them back to Oregon to once again take a leadership role at Fir Point Bible Camp and serve the churches on the southern Oregon field. 

Local Reach

Local for Mark and Joy is a wide area labeled as southern Oregon that reaches from the California border to Roseburg and from the Pacific coast to as far east as Christmas Valley. Their primary focus is Fir Point Bible Camp, located in Glendale, where churches from across the area send campers every July for Bible instruction, spiritual encouragement, fellowship, and just plain fun. Their vision is to move beyond the camp ministry and go to where the young people are living, working with them to discover who God has created them to be and what He is calling them to do with their lives.

At present, there are nine churches represented in the Fir Point Bible Conference, and Mark and Joy are building relationships with those churches, making themselves available to assist and serve them. They hope to train young people through Youth Leadership classes throughout the year to prepare them to serve both at Fir Point and in their local church. Their goal is to eventually have multiple ministry teams available to move beyond camp and their local churches in order to make a difference for Christ in their own communities and beyond.

Mark and Joy re-joined InFaith as field staff in 2022.

Mark received the Lord as his Savior when he was eight years old. His parents were dedicated to the church, and that dedication was passed on to him, as he taught the Adult/High School class in his father’s church plant when he was sixteen and preached his first sermon at the age of nineteen. Joy received Christ as her Savior when she was just four years old. She also grew up in a Christian home that was ministry-oriented and began attending Fir Point Bible Camp in Junior High.

Mark and Joy have been married since 1991 and they have eight children - two of which are still at home - and also twelve grandchildren.

Glendale, OR
United States

42.7362284, -123.4233992