Mark is from Cincinnati, Ohio, which is one of the fastest growing midwestern states. Cincinnati is like a lot of places that need faith-filled men leading their families. Mark wants to be there for the countless men throughout the city that need discipleship.
Local Reach
Mark disciples many men each month through Bible studies, adventure trips, regional discipleship challenges, and other men’s event. Regular connection with men helps to forge a deep relationship and true brotherhood that God uses to mold these men.
Mark Kuhnell has served as InFaith field staff since 2019.
Mark relates well to men and the struggles they face because of his testimony. Mark grew up in the church but strayed from the Lord’s path when becoming a man. He became a successful landscape designer but lost what was most important, his family. The Lord used a group of men in his community to speak truth and wisdom. Mark was called back to the Lord and began full-time ministry with a passion to disciple men.
Mark is married to Jane Kuhnell and together they have three daughters.