Nathan Cotton

Nathan Cotton

Field Staff

Simsbury, CT
United States

Alpha materials Church Planting

Nathan is a church planter striving to plant healthy, sustainable, gospel-centered faith communities. His church's desire is to see the kingdom of God more visible in their lifetime than ever before. This task is far too great for one church, so it will take a multitude of churches to lock arms with one another to make Jesus's prayer in John 17 a reality. 

Local Reach

Nathan and his family’s local is Simsbury, CT a suburb of Hartford. Connecticut is the 5th least religious state in the US. Its evangelical population is scarce, to say the least. The countryside is breathtaking, and the people are the best. However, there is high resistance to the gospel.

The greatest need in the community is for clear articulations of the gospel. There is so much confusion and bad press about the church and religion. Nathan looks forward to learning about specific needs and ways that his church can serve the community.

Nathan has learned that there is no better way to reach non-Christians and stimulate missional energy amongst Christians than planting new churches. The second aspect of his ministry is developing church planting residency programs. Church planting is a very specific ministry that requires high adaptability and endurance. His church believes that training is vital to success. Moreover, the health of the church plant is directly contingent on the health of the planter. Healthy church planters plant healthy churches. Their residency program trains and coaches planters in soul care and strategic gospel formation. Last, we are dedicated to building and establishing collaborative church planting networks. 

Nathan Cotton has been a church planter with InFaith since 2023.

Nathan is a graduate of the College of Biblical Studies in Houston, TX, Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS, and is completing a Doctorate of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Seminary in CA. Nathan and his wife Alisa planted their first church in Katy, Texas in 2018.

Together they have three beautiful children Laine, Lucie, and Levi. When Nathan is not doing all things church planting he enjoys powerlifting and pretending he is a Crossfitter.

Simsbury, CT
United States

41.8540094, -72.827915

Cotton's Expense Fund
Expense Fund filler

Fund Details

Donate to Nathan Cotton's Ministry Expense Fund to help fund the practical side of ministry (travel, office supplies, Bible Study materials, etc). Your generosity will fund a critical part of the ministry of our field staff, providing supplies that you or I may take for granted, that are necessary for completing everyday ministry.