After seeing the need in their community, the Elliotts became involved in several ministries throughout the area. They teach Bible studies and meet needs in their community as best they can.
Randy is a volunteer chaplain working the Yavapai County Jail and at the Yavapai Juvenile Detention Facility in Prescott. This ministry includes teaching and counseling prisoners and playing a valuable role in helping troubled juveniles get back on track. He also does classroom teaching, and teaches an evening Bible study at the juvenile facility in Prescott.
“At any given time there are 600 inmates, a large number of officers and staff, sixty volunteers, and two assistant chaplains under my care. Though the Lord affords me ample opportunities for sharing the gospel, these opportunities are still restricted by the parameters for me set by federal, state, and local laws, as well as detention procedures and protocol,” Randy writes. “I work in what is most often a spiritually hostile, extremely vulgar, and very harsh and brutal environment. In short, I engage the enemy in spiritual battle on his turf. The battle is intense, exhausting, furious, and relentless, but God continues to gain victory after victory as we move forward with Christ before us to demolish demonic strongholds.”
Randy and Rhonda are open to God’s leading each day, and try to remain always flexible to change course when needed. In 2015, they moved to a new location in Yavapai County to be in closer proximity to their ministry points. “We have thankful hearts for the privilege of serving the Lord daily with our lives.”