Scott and Chris Lynum serve in Michigan’s north central Upper Peninsula, in the rural areas along the southern shores of Lake Superior and the Keweenaw Peninsula. The main industries in these communities are logging and tourism, with some farming and copper/iron mines. The peninsula is a fairly financially oppressed area with minimal business opportunity.
There are strong Finnish American and Native American communities in this area. In the community where the Lynums serve, a strong blending of Native American religion and Catholicism is present.
The drug and alcohol addiction rate in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is among the highest in the nation per capita. With these addictions comes unemployment and poor academic performance. The greatest need in the community is to reach individuals through building relationships in order to share the hope and mercy found through faith in Christ. Generational abuse and family breakdowns have left a lack of belief that any hope can be found. Breaking through these personal barriers and speaking to the heart of the individual is the challenge.