Shawn & Cheryl Ammons

Field Staff

United States

Camping Summer Missionary/Staff

Shawn and Cheryl Ammons serve in America's Heartland as Wilderness Shepherds and NextGen Mobilizers. They minister through environments of education, sports, and the outdoors. Shawn and Cheryl are gifted teachers, coaches, and spiritual shepherds. God has blessed them with 30-plus years of ministering to youth and their families.

Local Reach

Shawn and Cheryl Ammons serve locally in Kansas. They met in Kansas and have found joy and spiritual fruit ministering in the outdoors. Outdoor ministry opportunities have grown and expanded since they graduated from college. Shawn started doing outdoor ministry on weekends in 1987. The outdoor ministry expanded to month-long camp ministry in 2006. In 2017, Shawn and Cheryl took a step of faith to take outdoor ministry year-round. They serve two camps—Extreme Kansas Camp in June, and Camp Cutteru is under construction. It will be a year-round disciple-making camp.

Shawn and Cheryl Ammons have also been working on several different ministry opportunities:

  • TEAM: A 13 family homeschool educational coop. Cheryl serves as co-director and teacher, and Shawn also serves as a teacher.
  • Wichita Defenders: a homeschool sports ministry offering soccer, volleyball, basketball and track for 100 families. (Cheryl serves as travel
    coordinator, BB Team mom and volleyball coach. Shawn serves as the Disciplemaking Leader for all the coaches, board member and coaches
  • Extreme Encounters: an outdoor ministry that serves 100 families. (Shawn and Cheryl direct Extreme Kansas Camp together. They shepherd
    the interns, restoring and equipping through identity in Christ.)
  • Sonlife Ministries: an equipping ministry that trains, coaches, and mentors paid and volunteers youth pastors. (Shawn comes alongside several
    local youth pastors and volunteer leaders to strengthen local youth ministries.

After seeing the need for relational disciple-making, the Ammonses connected their shepherding and evangelism gifts to make disciples who would then in turn make disciples themselves, and so on. They equip servant leaders in relational disciple-making according to the life of Jesus. They are convinced that by using the same strategy that Jesus modeled and the early church employed, they can be a model of disciplemaking that can be multiplied. Shawn and Cheryl encourage, train, coach, and mentor leaders to be disciples of Jesus, build disciple-making ministries, and partner with disciple-making movements just like Jesus did. They are passionate about relationally investing in servant leaders in the Heartland.

Shawn also serves as Sonlifes Heartland Regional Director. Shawn also created Intense intern opportunities with service projects, backpacking trips, retreats, and missions trips in but not limited to the following locations: Arkansas, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Haiti, and Japan.

The Ammonses have served as InFaith field staff since February 2018.

As children, Shawn and Cheryl were blessed with God-honoring parents. Each grew up attending church with their families and learned the value of relational disciple-making at an early age. Shawn and Cheryl met at Sterling College. Cheryl played volleyball and Shawn played tennis. They grew in their friendship while serving in campus ministry together. Shawn and Cheryl both graduated from Sterling with bachelor’s degrees—Shawn in Elementary Education and Cheryl in Christian Education.

Shawn and Cheryl were married the summer of their junior year in 1989. At that time, Shawn served as a part-time youth pastor in Sterling. Before graduation, Shawn accepted an offer to serve Emmanuel Church as youth pastor. Shawn and Cheryl currently live in Wichita, KS. They have been blessed with nine children. Their oldest four children are married and they have seven precious grandchildren.

Shawn acquired a Masters in Ministry from Moody Bible Institute. Shawn and Cheryl were blessed with twenty years of local church ministry that opened opportunities to train, coach, and mentor other ministries and ministers in the Heartland.

They serve Extreme Encounters locally as they leverage the outdoors to make disciples who make disciples. Shawn serves as Sonlife's Heartland Regional Director. Extreme Encounters and Sonlife have partnered to make a greater impact together.

They enjoy reading, journaling, a good cup of coffee and anything outdoors.

United States

39.011902, -98.4842465

Shawn & Cheryl Ammons' Ministry Expense Fund
Expense Fund filler

Fund Details

Donate to Shawn & Cheryl Ammons' Ministry Expense Fund to help fund the practical side of ministry (travel, office supplies, Bible Study materials, etc). Your generosity will fund a critical part of the ministry of our field staff, providing supplies that you or I may take for granted, that are necessary for completing everyday ministry.