Melissa’s local is a rural area, covered in wheat fields and cattle ranching, with a population of fewer than 1000 people, many of whom are hard-working middle to lower class. There is only one Bible church in a 30-mile radius, making it crucial to reach those in her area. Melissa wants the truth of the Bible to be taught so that people can come to know the real Jesus of the Bible and understand that He is the Redeemer and Savior of the world.
Local Reach
Melissa’s main call is to reach the children in her area, encourage women through discipleship, counseling, and a weekly Bible study. She will be taking over the leadership of the widow's Bible Study soon.
Children are Melissa's greatest joy. She loves teaching Children’s Church, Vacation Bible School, Awana, and other children outreach opportunities. "Children are our future,” she says. “They need to know what they believe and why. I teach the Bible to children, so they know how to take a stand for Jesus.”
Melissa Millermon has been field staff with InFaith since 2002.
She originally ministered alongside her husband, Steve. Melissa home-schooled all four of their children while helping her husband as he pastored a small rural church in Downey, Idaho. Melissa taught Sunday School, Children’s Church, VBS, and Adventure Club.
Steve passed away in 2022. Melissa is continuing the ministries she had been doing with him, and adding more as time allows and the Lord leads and gives her strength.