Nathan and Megan Bath

Nathan & Meagan Bath

Field Staff

Boise, ID 83350
United States

Area Ministry Discipleship Regional Director

Nathan and Meagan Bath serve as Field Directors in the northwest, where they encourage, love, and care for local InFaith missionaries in the area. Those in full time ministry roles often face many challenges and struggles, including being on the front lines of spiritual battle every day. Nathan and Meagan strive to offer hope and encouragement to these servants through prayer, listening, counsel, visits, and practical help.

Local Reach

Nathan and Meagan Bath serve as Field Directors in the Northwest. They seek to serve, pray for, mentor, care for and encourage the many InFaith missionaries whos serve in various areas around the Northwest. These missionaries work in a variety of ministry situations including things like rural churches, camp ministries, prison ministries, children's ministries, rural bible studies, cross-cultural ministries, homeless shelter ministries, emergency services ministries, and more.

Nathan and Meagan serve as Field Director for the northwest field, which includes Oregon, Washington and the southwest, north central and northern portions of Idaho.

"The spiritual battle for those in full time ministry is much more real than we sometimes realize or acknowledge," Nathan says. "The spiritual forces of wickedness hate it when people serve God. They do all they can to discourage, dishearten, defeat, and destroy. Ephesians 6:12 tells us, 'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.'"

Nathan has been witness to various servants of God suffering through intense spiritual battles. He has seen people drop out of ministry, run away from God, struggle alone in a world that the ordinary layperson does not seem to understand, and have all manner of responses which he has often compared to PTSD.

Nathan and Meagan desire to offer hope, love, and encouragement to InFaith missionaries in their area by listening, praying, and acting. They hope to offer counsel, rest, service, visits, and practical help in whatever way they are able.

The Baths have served as InFaith field staff since 1999.

Nathan grew up in a home where his Dad was in full time ministry. As a result, Nathan has been involved in ministry to some extent his entire life. He grew up serving at a Bible camp and helping his parents with rural ministries like VBS, retreats, mission trips, and Bible studies. Nathan studied ministry in college and upon graduation entered into full time ministry. He has served as a youth pastor, camp director, led a variety of discipleship ministries, and helped with pulpit supply in rural churches.

In 1993, Nathan and Meagan were married, and Meagan has served alongside Nathan ever since. They have three children, and have spent their entire married life in the northwest area where they now serve.

Boise, ID 83350
United States

43.6150186, -116.2023137