January 2018


January 2018


Local Reach: Greensboro, North Carolina

"When the real me meets the real you, change happens. We develop empathy for each other. We reflect Christ better and it's a more complete reflection of the kingdom of God."

InFaith's Dayna Carr has lived in the Glenwood neighborhood of Greensboro, NC for the last fourteen years. She seeks to reach out to her community in a way that holistically helps it develop and grow in all of the areas that impact people's lives. She has helped start a school, directs an after-school tutoring program, mentors high school girls, and leads a book study for people both within and outside of the community to engage with issues related to poverty.

"At the core of everything is relationship," Dayna says. "We live here. We are residents in this community, and we are neighbors to the people that surround us. As you live in and become part of the fabric of the community, you more clearly understand the needs there."

Watch our short video on Dayna's ministry at infaith.org/greensboro.