59 Years Reaching Local in the Mountains of TN
In 1958, InFaith's Betty Glover, armed with her nursing knowledge and the gospel of Christ, moved to the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee to minister to those living in poverty. Her nursing career could have taken her anywhere, but it beckoned her to the poorest areas of these mountains, caring for needs that called for "gallons of worm medicine" and Biblical truth that would draw on every ounce of her faith.
In her 40 years serving with InFaith, she taught countless Bible lessons to children in one-room schoolhouses; distributed innumerable amounts of donated clothing and groceries; helped pioneer Galilee Bible Camp, which continues to serve local children; and went all over the country gathering support for the local work she gave her life to.
Betty Glover was a pioneer. A single female missionary sent out in an endeavor that was untested and unknown. She braved a mission world that—in those days—primarily sent me to do the work.
Now 92-years-old, Betty Glover is still known as "The Bible Lady" throughout her beloved mountains.
We love that throughout our 200-year history, our missionaries have been reaching locally—responding to needs they see around them. Watch our short video on Betty's years of local reach at infaith.org/lafollette.