Travis Moen


Travis felt a calling to ministry when he joined the Corps of Cadets at Texas A and M, where he matured under the mentorship of a Christian upperclassman. Travis joined the U.S. Army as an armor officer after graduating college. His four-year service included one deployment to Iraq, where he discovered that full-time ministry was his calling. Travis began studying at Dallas Theological Seminary, preaching in a small retirement home and making pastoral visits to a nearby hospital at the same time. These experiences led him to the position as pastor of Bible Fellowship Church in Dighton, Kansas. With a passion for soldiers and a heart to take care of their spiritual needs, Travis returned to the service as a military chaplain and received accession to military chaplaincy in February 2015. He served at Fort Bragg, Elgin AFB and is currently a chaplain in the “Old Guard” in Washington, DC. Travis is married to Kim, and they have 3 children.