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Bud Lamb

Field Staff

Santa Cruz County, CA
United States

Camping Church Planting Creative Discipleship Pastorate Urban Ministry Give

Bud Lamb has been an ordained pastor for almost 20 years. He mentors men and encourages younger pastors. He works one-on-one, writes, and leads high...


Jeff & Cindy Eidsen

Field Staff

Fresno, CA
United States

Area Ministry Creative Cross-Cultural Discipleship Prison Give

Jeff and Cindy Eidsen serve in Fresno, California, where approximately one in seven people are either gang members or associates. God has filled them with...


Timothy (TJ) & Charissa Morris

Field Staff

Georgetown, CA
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Creative Discipleship Rural Ministry Young Adult Give

TJ and Charissa Morris are program directors at Forward Bible Camp. By keeping costs low, organizing over 100 volunteers each year, and encouraging churches to...

Melanie Reimer 2023

Melanie Reimer

Field Staff

Whittier, CA
United States

Children/Youth Creative Discipleship Young Adult Give

Melanie Reimer reaches primarily young adult women in the Los Angeles county area, and also works to collaborate with the local church for outreach opportunities...

Fresno, CA
United States

Whittier, CA
United States

Santa Cruz County, CA
United States

Georgetown, CA
United States