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Scott & Chris Lynum

Field Staff

Upper Peninsula, MI
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry Seniors Give

Scott and Chris Lynum serve in Michigan’s rural Upper Peninsula, where the drug and alcohol addiction rate is among the highest in the nation per...


Dennis Sutherby

Field Staff

Shiawassee County, MI
United States

Church Planting Creative Discipleship Pastorate Young Adult Give

Dennis Sutherby saw the need in his rural area of Michigan to build up true, intimate community, where people love and invest in each other...


Thomas & Evlyn Bump

Field Staff

New Era, MI
United States

Area Ministry Chaplaincy Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry Seniors Young Adult Give

Thomas and Evlyn Bump have been in ministry for over 40 years. They have been ministering in churches together as Thomas pastors, while Evlyn teaches...

Mark & Lila Hutchins profile pic 2023

Mark & Lila Hutchins

Field Staff

Bancroft, MI
United States

Camping Children/Youth Discipleship Pastorate Give

Mark and Lila Hutchins minister through a church, one-on-one discipleship, and through InFaith Bible Camp at Neyati, a Christian youth camp for under-privileged children that...

Kris Cain

Kris McCormick Cain

Field Staff

Detroit, MI
United States

Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Give

Kris McCormick Cain felt the call to reach the lost and broken in his community with the love and hope of the gospel message. He...

New Era, MI
United States

Shiawassee County, MI
United States

Bancroft, MI
United States

Upper Peninsula, MI
United States

Detroit, MI
United States