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Brett & Cindy Belleque

Field Staff

Toledo, OR
United States

Camping Children/Youth Church Planting Creative Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Young Adult Give

Brett and Cindy Belleque serve throughout the US with InFaith's field staff. They live in Toledo, Oregon. Cindy works in the Newport, Oregon School system...

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Mark & Joy Miller

Field Staff

Glendale, OR
United States

Area Ministry Camping Children/Youth Creative Discipleship Give

Mark and Joy Miller have been serving the Lord through InFaith since 1990 in many different capacities. They began as summer missionaries, then moved into...


Elsie Jane Beard

Field Staff

Salem, OR
United States

Children/Youth Creative Cross-Cultural Discipleship Young Adult Give

Elsie Jane Beard serves in Salem, Oregon, and in the suburbs of Portland. After seeing the need for Jesus in these urban communities, largely comprised...


Thomas & Kristine Rogers

Field Staff

Toledo, OR
United States

Children/Youth Creative Cross-Cultural Discipleship Young Adult Give

Thomas and Kristine direct a homeschool cooperative in their local community, which focuses on a safe, Christ-centered learning environment where children are taught, and parents...

Toledo, OR
United States

Salem, OR
United States

Toledo, OR
United States

Glendale, OR
United States