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Joe Kim

Joe Kim

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Urban Ministry Young Adult Give

Joe Felix Kim is a church planter of Hope Philly, which as of now consists of 2 micro-churches in the Philadelphia area with a 3rd...

Bill and Patsy Curry

Bill & Patsy Curry

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Children/Youth Cross-Cultural Pastorate Urban Ministry Give

Bill and Patsy Curry live and serve in the Kensington section of Philadelphia. Bill is the lead pastor at Cornerstone Community Church, a diverse, loving...


David & Lisa Grainge

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Urban Ministry Give

David and Lisa Grainge are revitalizing a 125-year-old church that serves six ethnic congregations in south Philadelphia. They minister the gospel to refugees in their...


Andrew & Shannon Schultz

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Give

Andrew and Shannon Schultz serve in Kensington, an inner-city neighborhood in Philadelphia. Their primary ministry responsibilities center around children and youth, though the goal is...


Melvin Sensenig

Field Staff

Reading, PA
United States

Church Planting Cross-Cultural Pastorate Urban Ministry Give

Melvin Sensenig uses his urban church planting and academic experience to train urban pastors and leaders in Reading. Through Theologian-in-Residence for Urban Ministry (TIR), Melvin...

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Reading, PA
United States