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Bert & Lana Holmquist

Field Staff

Underwood, MN
United States

Area Ministry Pastorate Rural Ministry Seniors Give

Bert and Lana Holmquist reach the local elderly community, whether at home, in a high-rise, or in a care center, through visitation and preaching services...

Jerry & Dorphia David

Jerry & Dorphia David

Field Staff

Southern, MN
United States

Chaplaincy Prison Seniors Give

Jerry and Dorphia David founded Gentle Shepherd Ministries, an InFaith ministry that reaches out to seniors in care facilities and inmates in county jails throughout...

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James & Jan Barnhart

Retired Field Staff

Rochester, MN
United States

Seniors Give

Support James & Jan Barnhart as they continue their retirement with InFaith.


Tim Greenslade

Field Staff

Southeastern, MN
United States

Seniors Give

Tim Greenslade shares the love of Jesus with those in senior living communities. The ministry is designed to meet the spiritual needs of seniors in...


Bob & Gale Romig

Retired Field Staff

Eveleth, MN
United States

Area Ministry Children/Youth Church Planting Discipleship Seniors Young Adult Give

Bob and Gale Romig serve their area through a variety of ministries. They currently are involved in Pastoral Ministry at the Cotton Community Church and...

Rochester, MN
United States

Underwood, MN
United States

Southern, MN
United States

Eveleth, MN
United States

Southeastern, MN
United States