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Dave & Lisa Carroll

Field Staff

Elliston, MT
United States

Automotive Discipleship Pastorate Rural Ministry Young Adult Give

Dave and Lisa Carroll serve through a number of ministries in rural Montana including Bible clubs for kids, adult Bible studies, Vacation Bible School, prison...

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Marilyn Hilkemann

Retired Field Staff

Wolf Point, MT
United States

Seniors Give

Support Marilyn Hilkemann as they continue their retirement with InFaith.

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Jewel King

Retired Field Staff

Great Falls, MT
United States

Seniors Give

Support Jewel King as they continue their retirement with InFaith.


Joel & Debbie Banham

Field Staff

Plains, MT
United States

Area Ministry Give

Joel and Debbie Banham have been ministering as church missionaries for more than twenty years. Joel serves as a “pastor at large”, filling the pulpit...

Plains, MT
United States

Elliston, MT
United States

Great Falls, MT
United States

Wolf Point, MT
United States