Office 365
Contact Michael DeHaven ( or 610.527.4439, ext. 110) to receive your new email address with free access to Office 365 online.
Let him know what version of email address you prefer. The three options are:
1. (ex:
2. (ex:
3. (ex:
Please note the following two items: First, All communication by email will be sent only to your new InFaith email starting on January 1, 2019. Second, there will be no more email forwards to other email addresses in order to maintain the security and integrity of our communications.
To log into Office 365, click here. Enter your email address and password.
To log into Outlook, click here. Enter your email address and password.
#1 Email Settings for Office 365
Find the settings for your different devices by clicking the appropriate link below. If you do not find what you need or have issues with the setup of your new email, please contact Michael DeHaven at or 610-527-4439, ext. 110.
After November 5, log on to the webmail first to confirm that your password does work. You can do that here:
Authenticate with your InFaith user name (your email) and password.
Find directions for adding email to your specific device in the resource list below.
#2 Email Tips
How to create lists in Outlook for your mass mailings
As you set up your contact lists in the new email system, many of you have groups of people who you send to on a regular basis. In the new InFaith email it may seem like there are a few different options for this, but there really is only one for mass emails, and that is making a Contact List. “Groups” are for small groups of people who are collaborating on a project, please do not use “Groups” for your mass mailings.
The way you set up a Contact List is different depending on which way you are accessing your email:
- If you access your email via Outlook Online, follow these instructions. (Scroll down to the middle of the page.)
- If you use the desktop version of Outlook, it is called a “Contact Group.” Please choose that option and not just “Group.” To do that, follow these instructions.
- If you use Outlook for Mac, follow these instructions.
#3 Miscellaneous Topics
Find information regarding various topics concerning the features and operations of Office 365. If you have any questions about a topic or don’t find the information you need, please contact Michael DeHaven at 610.527.4439, ext. 110 or
Find information regarding different topics below:
App Descriptions Get a better description of the apps you are subscribed to and click the “learn more” links. (Make sure you’re logged in to Office 365 to access this link.)