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Andrew & Shannon Schultz

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Give

Andrew and Shannon Schultz serve in Kensington, an inner-city neighborhood in Philadelphia. Their primary ministry responsibilities center around children and youth, though the goal is...


David & Lisa Grainge

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Children/Youth Church Planting Cross-Cultural Discipleship Pastorate Urban Ministry Give

David and Lisa Grainge are revitalizing a 125-year-old church that serves six ethnic congregations in south Philadelphia. They minister the gospel to refugees in their...


Emily Mitchell

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Discipleship Urban Ministry Young Adult Give

Emily Mitchell reaches women in Philadelphia’s shelter system by offering discipleship and mentoring to those who are unconnected to emotional and spiritual support. Her goal...

Joe Darrow profile picture 2023

Joe Darrow

Field Staff

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Discipleship Pastorate Urban Ministry Give

Joe Darrow has been serving in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia since 1988. He helped plant Cornerstone Community Church to bring hope to the community...


Dr. Jerry Iamurri

Field Staff

Exton, PA
United States

Creative Discipleship Give

Jerry Iamurri serves in InFaith's Home Office as the Executive Director/CEO of InFaith. Jerry came to InFaith from the EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian Church), where he...

Exton, PA
United States

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Philadelphia, PA
United States